Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Step by step on how to make cute elephant house slippers for your toddler

I would like to share this cute idea I decided to do, cause I was tired of trying to find those perfect and not so expensive! little house slippers for my almost 2 year old who is fascinated with elephants...

If you don't know how to crochet.... is OK!

Here I am adding a YouTube video I found that shows you the basics  


After you watch the video, go ahead and try to make your own creations :) You can make House slippers for all ages, pillows, beanie hats, name it...

This is what we are going for today...

 Let's start!!                                                                   

 STEP #1
Measure your toddler's shoe size, you can guide yourself with one of his existing shoes.


STEP #2 
Finish the bottom, you could also sew a leather sole if you like


STEP #4 
Start in the middle middle like the first image, then crochet down and add the 2 pieces together, that's where you will be placing the elephant's face

STEP # 5 

This is how it will look like after you crochet the bottom and top together

STEP # 6
Adding the shape of the elephant's face

This is before attaching it

  STEP # 7
    We are almost there!! Just sew some ears, in this case, I used fabric, add the eyes and finally add teeth to make the trumped stand out!

I hope I made the steps clear for you :)
You could always play around with it and add a different animal if you want...

And here are the results! Cute elephant house slippers made by mommy for only $2.99 +tax ( for material only )


My son was SO excited when he saw his elephant slippers and even started stomping like and elephant...:)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

CK Interior Designs Painted Headboards fun ideas...

I added beads to my lamps to give them a cozy contemporary feel :)

I was thinking how to make my bedroom fun, romantic and cozy...So I decided to paint a contemporary looking headboard and spice up my wall lamps :)

Here are some cute ideas I found online...

I can't wait to apply this idea from my baby son when he transfers to a bed :)

Such a fun and inexpensive idea!!

He loves footballs so.....I can do something like:

kids painted headboard ideas for girls...

                      I hope this quick cute ideas can help!! :)


Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter Everyone.....

Welcome to my BLOG!, I am here to answer any Interior Decor question...feel free to join my blogs to get free weekly advice....

Happy Easter!!

I am so excited about Sunday! I will be hiding eggs for my 21 month old son and see how he does :)

Here I am leaving some ideas on something that I get asked all the time....How do I make my small apartment or house look bigger when I have already bought all my furniture and get afford to replace it?

Here are just some quick ideas using your existing furniture...

10 Easy ways to make a room look bigger....

1. If you are starting from the beginning, make sure to get the appropiate furniture size for the space, if you already purchased the furniture try to use only what's necesary in the room.

2.Use lighter colors on walls and window treatments

3.Furniture placement is also important. Utilizing furniture against the wall

4. Multi-purpose furnishings are also very useful because they allow you to use less furniture in the room

5.Draw your eyes to the wall and not the big furniture

6.You should eliminate clutter in the room by adding shelves.

7. Utilize lighting to highlight architectural details

8.Use small patterns

9.Mirrors and glass will also give the room more visual space

10. Finally you will want to choose window treatments that allow you to see outside the room.

I really hope this ideas help you guys!! and have a GREAT WEEKEND!